History of Colocation America
Back in the 1990s, a group of industry-leading Senior Network Engineers worked at a top business consulting and marketing firm. Everything was going fine and dandy – the business was growing and clients were happy except for one thing: the server hosting all of their business-critical data kept on getting knocked offline! They tried numerous different hosting providers but the server went down every time they got a spike of traffic. So they did what any smart (sometimes arrogant) IT professional would do and, in 2000, they started their very own hosting company dedicated to keeping companies online and profitable. This fabulous new venture would be forever called Colocation America.

Building “The Foundation”
Since then, Colocation America has remained focused on providing trusted hosting services with the highest level of security, reliability, and scalability. That’s why Colocation America has never steered far away from what we consider to be “The Foundation” of every IT Infrastructure: IPs (connectivity), hosting (space), and servers (hardware). Whether a company needs a server to backup their data or a place to host their full IT infrastructure, Colocation America has stayed true to its original mission of keeping clients online. Over the years, Colocation America realized that there is more to keeping clients online than just providing state-of-the-art data center services; clients are looking to expand and grow their business using our foundation. Clients want to build upon our IT Infrastructure and offer their end-users something unique and– of course– something that leads to a great return on investment for them.
“It’s All About Connections…”
Therefore we reached out to our network (after all, “It’s All About Connections…”) and started forming strategic partnerships with some of the biggest technology companies found around the globe. These partnerships have enabled Colocation America to offer unparalleled support and innovative technology solutions to our clients wherever they call home. But even after our partnerships enabled us to offer our clients a larger and more diverse array of technology solutions, we still felt there was more we could do to keep our clients “online and profitable.” So these Senior Network Engineers turned successful IT entrepreneurs did what any smart (sometimes arrogant) IT Entrepreneur would do and started purchasing companies all dedicated to improving our clients’ current business.
Today, Colocation America is a stakeholder in numerous companies including a Merchant Processing and Gateway company, a Web Hosting company, and a Marketing Firm. These companies empower Colocation America to offer clients around the globe a cost effective solution for nearly every aspect of their business even beyond technology. Although Colocation America’s portfolio continues to grow, one thing has stayed the same—the dedication to keeping our clients “online.” With 22 data centers in 8 major locations, Colocation America continues to be a leading provider of colocation and dedicated server services in the United States. Thanks to our unique approach to support, Colocation America continues to provide 100% Network Uptime proving that all successful companies start with a strong technical foundation.