Fedora Dedicated Server Hosting
Fedora Linux is an open source operating system sponsored by Red Hat Enterprise Linux and supported by an internet community. The community keeps the operating system up to date by regularly releasing new versions of the operating system. Our Fedora Dedicated Server also has the newest version of many Linux based software and many new ideas of the open source Linux systems are used in Fedora first before being adopted for the Red Hat Linux or CentOS operating system. Fedora boasts a GNOME and KDE environment and is completely 100 percent free with open source software and applications.
Secure Fedora Server Hosting
Being an enterprise level operating system, Fedora has many security measures in place to keep system files and vital business data secure. The security measures in a Fedora Linux server are:
- System firewall to protect the server from virtual threats
- Separated user accounts with their own level of permissions and access
- Network services can only access part of the system
- Protected software installation that detects untrusted sources
- Perform system and software update with one command
- Prevention features that stop software from modifying parts of the system
What Are the Benefits of Fedora?
As the foundation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora is a free enterprise level operating system that provides many unique features. Many of the features on the Red Hat operating system were first implemented in the Fedora operating system before being ported over to Red Hat Linux. This allows Fedora Linux server to have the newest features with new software and applications created everyday from its avid community. Having Fedora server hosting installed on a dedicated server can cut down the cost of the server (no licensing fees) while still having an enterprise level operating system installed on the server.
Fedora Dedicated Server Security
Fedora is the leader and innovator in the latest Linux security endeavors. The Fedora team and its engineers have developed many cutting edge features that other Linux distributions emulate in order to keep up to date. The following list of features are all Fedora server developed:

- Exec-shield: Automatically attempts to determine if data memory is executable or non-executable, and program memory is writable/non-writable. Exec-shield also randomizes the root address locations of running programs, in order to block buffer overflows. Compatible with x86 systems.
- ELF (Executable and linkable Format) Data Hardening: Increased file security through file data structure reinforcement
- Position Independent Executables (PIE): Allows programmer to make executable load at different memory addresses upon initiation. This prevents any potential infiltrators from being able to read where the application will load up, making the data hard to exploit.
What Is Fedora Linux?
Fedora is an operating system distribution based on the Linux kernel and sponsored by Red Hat. It’s also a type of hat. Fedora Linux is free, open sourced, and backed by a lively and knowledgeable community. Known for focusing on innovation, Fedora has maintained a reputation throughout the years for being a “cutting edge” operating system with a focus on the early adoption of new technologies and a six-month release cycle. Because of this, most older (and finally stable) versions of Fedora become the next officially licensed Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution—making Fedora a massively popular build, some postulate second only to Ubuntu.
What Are the Requirements for Configuring a Fedora Linux Web Server?
Like most Linux distributions, Fedora can be installed on just about any Apache web server. This is generally done after the installation of Fedora on a server. To see if Apache has been installed on your Fedora web server, open a Terminal window and run the following command:
rpm -q httpdIf the output response is the following (or similar) Apache has already been installed:
httpd-2.2.4-4.1.fc7If not, then you should being the installation process by using the “Add/Remove Software” tool under “System → Administration” on the desktop menu. Click the “Find” field and search for “httpd” and the Apache HTTP server should be listed in the search results. Click on it and then hit “Apply” and the installation should being. Alternatively you can install Apache using a terminal window by entering this command line:
su –
yum install httpd
Testing the Web Server Once Apache has been installed you should verify that the server is running.
To check the status you can use the default Internet browser (typically Firefox) and type in the address bar to bring up the Fedora Test Page.