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May 2, 2013
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May 6, 2013Verizon’s latest data breach report tells us some bad news about data breach in the US
Verizon’s latest data breachreport states there’s nowhere to hide from cyber crooks;
And what better way to tell us bad news than with a fun and coloroful infograph? But seriously folks, lets talk about data breach for a second and how no one is really safe.
Cyber Security News
Verizon’s risk team has labeled data breaches – an ever-changing risk environment.
A look at the numbers suggest that 40% of breaches happen through Malware attacks, while 53% are caused by hacking or related theft; 13% of breaches occur from simple misuse (unsecured networks, poor passwords etc).
Unfortunately, certain organizations will always be a target no matter what: Government, health care providers, financial institutions to name a few. Our friends at LifeLock break it down with this nifty little info-graphic; please feel free to share or tweet this Data Breach Graphic by LifeLock: