How and Why Are Data Centers Going Green?
February 17, 2012
New SOPA Protects our Children, Adults, and Colocation Providers
February 20, 2012It’s the end of the week, and you find yourself relaxing on your couch looking for a movie to watch. If you are anything like me, you get nerd chills whenever you think of data centers and a dedicated server. Let’s be honest here, who doesn’t love to see them in all their steely, processing glory? Well low and behold, I have compiled a list of the top 5 movies that are either filmed in a data center or have a server as an integral part of the story. Next time you are browsing around Netflix, keep some of these titles in mind:
Tron Legacy (Encom Data Center)
In the high profile sequel to an all time classic, Sam Flynn infiltrates Encom’s main data center and infects it with one of his programs. While you are watching the movie, take a notice of how well designed the data center is. What a beaut. Besides the data center, the movie is a great watch and clearly has a lot of production value in it. Plus, Jeff Bridges is in it.
In the 80s classic Wargames, a single server named the War Operations Plan Response (WOPR) has complete control over nuclear weapons. Talk about a specifically optimized dedicated server! The movie itself is a classic, and if you haven’t seen this yet, you should definitely check it out.
In Jurassic Park, the company funding the island, InGen, allows one programmer to design the entire infrastructure with no trace of the process. The kid in the movie eventually has to hack in the infrastructure to gain ROOT privileges. The plot is a little bit of a stretch, but nonetheless is a great watch. Even if you have seen it before, the re-watching value of the movie is remarkably high (even with today’s CGI standards).
In the movie The Terminator, the SKYNET computer is designed for missile defense. Doesn’t seem like a smart idea once it starts killing everyone in sight. Oops. Believe it or not, Arnold Schwarzenegger was an actor before a politician. His performance in this movie is iconic, and should not be missed!
2001: A Space Odyssey (HAL9000)
This is one of Stanley Kubrick’s masterpieces, and is a must see for anyone who is a decent human being. Truly a piece of fine art. Besides the sheer brilliance of the movie, Space Odyssey includes a character in the form of a server named HAL9000, which runs the ship that the protagonist is in. I don’t want to spoil anything, so please just watch this movie! Trust me.
Disagree with my top 5? Felt like I left a movie out? Tell me your favorite movies with data centers and servers in them by posting in the comments!
For more information feel free to contact Chester Roebling