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October 5, 2012Facebook reaches 1 billion users and Mark Zuckerberg is ecstatic. First the IPO and now this.
Well they’ve done it folks, Facebook has finally hit 1 billion monthly users. Company CEO says he couldn’t be more excited at the news. Frankly we’re happy for him as he and his company have been making headlines ever since they went public this past May. Despite Facebook’s $40% decrease in market share the company manages to stretch its reach overseas. Perhaps the new burst of growth is why Facebook keeps building new data centers.
Facebook Users By The Numbers
Although it took Facebook nearly 6 years to tap 500 million users it has only taken them two to reach 1 billion. A lot of the growth has come from nations outside the US such as Brazil and Asia. Interestingly enough, only 20% of all Facebook users live in the continental U.S. even though they are the reason Facebook is making $992 million in ad revenue. To break it down even further, Facebook makes an average of $3 a quarter off US users compared to only 55 cents of users from Asia. All it means is that people in North America are trendsetters, who prefer to spend their time playing games as featured on Facebook. Every time someone clicks on a game Facebook gets a cut of ad revenue. And that’s a lot considering Americans love to play video games.
Google Only Other Web Co To Hit 1 Billion
According to comScore INc, Google is the only other web company in history to reach the 1 billion user mark. The difference, it took Google nearly 12 years to do so while it took Facebook nearly 8. Not bad for a company started in a kids dorm room. The news is an official milestone for a company who invariably connects us to friends old and new, business to consumers and of course the ever emerging mobile user market. Speaking of which, Facebook plans to drastically improve their mobile applications by the end of next year. Anyone else’s Facebook app freeze up on them? Lets hope Zuckerberg is able to bring that same success to mobile users. Chances are he updated his status from his smartphone this morning. Congrats to the Facebook team and to the rest of the world for helping them reach 1 billion users. Please excuse me while I check my Facebook status.