Friday Fun Blog: The View Never Changes Edition
June 12, 2015
What Was the First Computer Bug?
June 26, 2015Finally—it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite pre-weekend link dump/distraction from work, The Friday Fun Blog! YA BOI COLY is still up in DA HOUZ (Editor’s Note: Who talks like this?) and I’m here to drop some funky links on your Friday. This week’s Fun Blog is brought to you by Dave and Busters, because someone won’t take me (Editor’s Note: Still not gonna take you, either).
On to the links!
–Obligatory Ric Flair Promo of the Week: This week’s Ric Flair promo has ol’ Naitch sitting in the back of one of those limos he’s always talking about. Three things: 1. I love the claim that he’ll be hanging out with Janet Jackson, like Janet would be so enamored with a white, bleach-blonde, leathery man who is constantly yelling about titles and being “The Man”. 2. His driver is Teddy Long, whom he refers to as “Teddy” and “Theo” in the span of 3 seconds. 3. Coca-Cola? Really, Ric? You’re the limousine riding, jet flying, wheeling, dealing son of a gun, and you’re going with Coke and NOT bottles of champagne? It’s like you’re not even going to try and impress Janet. I hung out with Janet one time and she likes to go by “Jan”, pronounced “Yawn”. Yawnet Jackson.
-You know those rabbit-holes of cat videos that you find yourself falling into at like 1 a.m. on a Wednesday when you should be sleeping? Turns out, those are good for you BECAUSE SCIENCE. Apparently, getting feelings of “Awwww” and “Squee!” are helpful in your overall mental health or something, I don’t know, I’m not a scientist (Editor’s Note: We know. You’re a brash, loud-mouthed talking shield with an unhealthy obsession with Dave & Buster’s). But the next time your boss catches you looking at cat GIFs, just tell him it’s making your better at your job. YA HEAR THAT, CHRIS?!
-After WWII, the US entered the Cold War with the Soviet Union—an arms race, coupled with rising tensions of the spread of communism and the threat of nuclear annihilation—and we GEARED UP in preparation for the coming apocalypse. Well, that didn’t happen, and so now all the crazy stuff we built to launch missiles, or keep important people safe, or spots where we blew stuff up is just collecting dust all across the southwest United States. And you can visit it! Isn’t that nice?
-Two stunt planes flying through a hangar simultaneously? Two stunt planes flying through a hangar simultaneously.
-If you’ve ever been out in the forest, or hell, even near a tree, you’ve probably heard the KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK of a woodpecker hammering away at a tree in search of grubs. What you haven’t seen, however, is a slow-mo capture of a woodpecker slamming its face into a tree. This is like nature’s crash test dummy footage.
-Sometimes you get some ketchup and there’s a QR code on the back of the bottle that will tell you a little bit more about your favorite condiment or more about the company. Or sometimes you get some ketchup and there’s a QR code on the back of the bottle that leads you hardcore pornography. That’s the BEST kind of ketchup.
-Guys, new emojis are here and we finally have one for “burrito” but most importantly we have one for “crab” so now I can notify any future partners of exactly what I like and what I have.
–Obligatory Space Post of the Week: Philae has risen! Instead of landing in a spot exposed to the sun to recharge its batteries, Philae landed in the dark then went silent. But not anymore! This past weekend, Philae woke up and sent signals back to Earth. Scientists hope to find a way to get Philae to communicate with Rosetta so that they can resume their mission. THE MISSION IS CRITICAL.
That’s it for this week! Enjoy your weekend! See you at Dave & Buster’s! (Editor’s Note: No, you won’t.)