What Has the Uptime Institute Been up to Recently?
September 16, 2015
3 Ideas to Promoting a Better Work Life Balance within Your Company
September 21, 2015COLY IN DA HOUSE! It’s time once again for the Friday Fun Blog—bringing you the hottest links from the non-pornography parts of the web! Each week, we curate a few links we think you might be interested in. Are we right? We’re not sure, but who cares? Not me, that’s for sure. I’m a talking shield—I don’t feel empathy.
As always, this week’s Friday Fun Blog is brought to you by Dave & Buster’s because I still want to go and nobody will take me so I’m holding out hope that eventually they’ll sponsor this blog feature and fly me to world headquarters which I assume is just a larger Dave & Buster’s.
Anyways, onto the links!
-Do you play online poker? If you do, tell everyone from 2003 that I said hi. Regardless, you should be weary as a new Trojan virus has infiltrated major poker sites allowing certain dirty, no-good, cheating cheaters to see YOUR cards. Basically, you download a program from some unauthorized site, you get infected, the cheater can see your cards and your player ID, then they follow you from table to table and just take your money. It’s like Vegas, but just online.
-So they made a prosthetic limb that tells the brain what it’s touching. Like, it can feel and transmit that to the brain, or something. Listen, this is way beyond my pay grade, and frankly, I’m just a talking shield, so I’m surprised I can even write coherently, but you should just read the article because it’s dope.
–Obligatory Space Post of the Week: Here’s 11 of the best space images from the year. Stand in awe of the universe, bro.
-A guy spent six months of his life and $1,500 to make a sandwich from scratch—from making his own cheese, building and planting a garden, to raising and eventually killing his own chicken. And Subway has the nerve to call their employees “Sandwich Artists”.
And finally…
-Remember how Space X was trying to land their rockets on a platform in the ocean, and they failed, and everyone was all, “Gosh how hard could it be to land a rocket on a platform in the ocean? C’mon guys!” Well, you try, Mr. Big Shot.
That’s it for this week! See you next week!