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February 18, 2013Technologists at have endorsed Bitcoin as accepted currency in exchange for cloud services.
eCommerce has traditionally relied on financial institutions for fraud protection. However, many peer-to-peer transactions can be secured by using what is called a Bitcoin. Basically, Bitcoins are electronic currencies delivered as encrypted information.
This new approach promises to bolster security in the cloud. Technologists at have endorsed Bitcoin as accepted currency in exchange for cloud services. Mega says customers will appreciate the fact that they don’t have to divulge personal information when using Bitcoin. No credit-card information has to be given as Bitcoin’s encryption service replaces the need to do so.
Online file sharing and storage space vendor, Kim Dotcom also announced it will be accepting Bitcoin as valid currency. The Reddit community has praised the currency for its resiliency against advanced cyber attacks. Bitcoin’s trade for about $28 a share, but users can spend only fractions on that if they so choose. To aid merchants in the processing and handling of Bitcoins, Mega has enlisted Zipbit, a New Zealand company who provides BitVouchers to buyers after a transaction has been verified. With all this hype concerning purchasing security, is Bitcoin the best thing for eCommerce transactions?