The IT Crowd -Cloud Computing As The Odd Man Out?
August 23, 2012
Environmental Cloud Data Centers
August 27, 2012Happy Friday! My first attempt to keep it witty for your enjoyment yet still tell you something you don’t know
Oh tech news, how I love thee. Even on this fabulous, overcast Los Angeles Friday, you still know how to stifle my enthusiasm. What’s that you say? The Google Panda has undergone more changes? Oh boy, what else you got for me? How about the news that Microsoft is apparently killing its 30 day trial period on Windows 8? Talk about keeping us down. Alright, enough internalized dialogue. Truth is, being involved in the computer world isn’t so fun when you have to divulge helpful-yet annoying news to the beloved public.
Windows 8, Please Tell Us More
So many of you have already gotten the skinny on Microsoft’s forthcoming Windows 8 operation system. It looks good, is supposedly new and improved, but of course everyone has their gripes when it comes to Windows. I being a mac guy (much to my colleagues dismay), should really mind my P’s & Q’s. Fact is, Microsoft is reportedly revoking it’s 30-day trial activation period. Many folks that upgrade know that this 30 day grace period is pretty convenient for a variety of reasons. One being that if you don’t dig it, you can un-install and go back to your previous operating system. Another, more probably reason to gripe about the grace period waving bye bye is; perhaps you crashed your computer (not saying how, just saying) and you happen to be a disorganized person (like me), and of course, you lost your activation key. Well, I guess you’d be up the creek without a paddle. Yikes! Well truth be told, I can honestly say I’ve crashed my old windows PC more than once (stop judging), yet I was still able to reinstall without using my activation code.
Since I’m so organized, I simply elected to not re-register my new/old version of Windows. No problem right? Well too bad if the same thing happens when you’re sporting Microsoft Windows 8. I suppose the good news is that all new PC’s running Windows 8 will be activated at the factory. But still, what if you crash your computer and have to re-install. Maybe they’ll charge you again for re-registering. I don’t know to tell you the truth, but it doesn’t sound savory. Funny how Microsoft makes the effort to become more user friendly then pulls a fast one on us. I know, I know, Microsoft is vigilantly trying to protect its new software and reposition itself in the market to gain back what they’ve lost (hello fellow mac users). But the fact remains, Windows 8 may be the operating system to rock if you’re a PC fan, but whatever happened to consumer rights? Moving right along…;
Google’s Ever Changing Panda
Oh the Panda. What with you’re friendly looking demeanor and holier than now mentality, what’s not to like? Earlier you might have read about Google’s latest algorithm- released earlier this summer. From an SEO standpoint, good ole Panda is designed to kick our web site rankings butts. For the better I might add, but even still they continue to roll out changes that will inevitably, if not from a small percentage, affect any websites creditable efforts to supply the world with helpful information. So what are these changes? Reportedly 86 of them. 86? As in, you’re eighty-six’d from pulling any fast ones on the Panda. No, no my friends. Don’t just try and spam the hell out of the internet community, you must provide squeaky clean info that isn’t so much geared towards selling your services. Ok, I admit i’m on a rant but I digress.
Lets Stick To The Facts
Google has tweaked the Panda algorithm by incorporating GrennLandll #82353 and Hamel #82666. Basically just furthering the data refresh to more effectively filter search results for Panda. Last but not least, Google has incorporated a change nicknamed ItsyBitsy, a data refresh for better search image results. All in all it’s nothing to be scared of. Unless you’re a relentless spammer, peddling tax software likes its going out of style. Google Panda continues on its mission to filter out the very best from its search engine results. Bottom line here folks; now more than ever, it is increasingly important to source the very best and trusted content for your website. So check those facts won’t you. Sensor yourself and make sure you’re not anchoring key words like a mad person. It will only hurt your site rankings. Try to pull a fast one and the Google Panda will get medieval on you! That being said, happy Friday friends! I sincerely hope I didn’t waste your time with useless, un-witty news. Till Monday, farewell.