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May 22, 2013
The Ethernet Celebrates 40 Years
May 22, 2013Earlier today, PayPal announced that it has added a fourth data center location in support of online operations.
PayPal announced earlier today that it has added a fourth data center location in support of online operations. Exactly how much growth is the eBay subsidiary preparing for?
eCommerce Support
The eBay owned company has a need for more bandwidth, data storage and capacity to meet the ever increasing demands of online transactions.
Furthermore, PayPal is facing fierce competition from companies like square, who have infringed upon the brick and mortar eCommerce the company has relied upon for years.
Company president Davis Marcus stated that PayPal is in fact expanding rapidly and that adding a fourth data center is essential for keeping up with eCommerce support. An official location had not been disclosed. Currently, PayPal operates data centers in the following locations: Scottsdale, Arizona and San Jose, California.
Fortunately for PayPal, a fourth data center might not be such a bad idea considering traditional retail locations are dwindling; the day and age of online shopping has officially arrived. PayPal reported a third quarter revenue in excess of $50 billion in 2012, a number that represents room for growth as the company moves into the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2013. All things considered, it is probably a good idea that PayPal is adding more capacity to its robust data center network. Company reps say that the company plans to double its revenues within 3 years.