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December 3, 2012Babycenter.com has just released a list of the most popular baby names of 2012.
I hate to hint at how old I am, but let me just say I thought the name Rick was just the best name ever. I grew up watching hit TV shows like “Silver Spoons”, where names like Rick and Eddie were so profoundly glorified I eventually decided my formal name just wasn’t cool enough.
Yet, when the 90’s hit, I realized maybe Zach (think “Saved By The Bell”) was somehow cooler. It’s funny how pop culture influences our preference for first names. What about all these new parents naming their babies “Apple”, “Siri” or “Mac”?
Forget Convention, Name Your Kid Mac
I know iPhones and MacBook’s are popular these days, but hell, these kids are totally going to grow up and think “Why couldn’t my parents just name me Mike or John, Jenny, or January even?” “Anything but Siri, I”m named after a dodgy iPhone app for gosh sakes.”
I’m not saying, just saying. I’m truly content with the fact my folks named me James and not Rick, or Zach for that matter (No offense to anyone named Rick or Zach). Those two names totally rock in my book! So lets take a look at the numbers shall we? Babycenter.com just released a report reveling the Top 10 Baby Names of 2012. Virtually every name (boy or girl) on that list is that of a conventional name, so I’ll just stick to the fun stuff:
iBabies, Comedic Names etc.
Results were based on 450,000 babies born in 2012 whose moms registered them on BabyCenter.com. Of that number, the names Mac and Apple rose upwards to 15 percent.
Parents also seem to like the name Siri, as it climbed 5 percent on the list. What about the Samsung fans? Is anyone going to name their kid ‘Galaxy’? Because that would be cool.
What about that baby named Hash-tag? I’m not sure if that’s a hoax, but I would definitely choose Siri over Hash-tag for a girls name any day. Hash-tag just isn’t fair. When the kid grows up her hippy friends will call her Hash. Naming newborn babies after popular comedians is also popular.
Parents who are fans of Amy Poehler, Betty White and Kristen Wig are naming their kids after such celebrities. Babycenter reported that the name Amy rose to 41 percent, while Kristin climbed 5 percent. Betty White by far jumped the highest – up 54 percent in 2012. So what does this mean exactly? Absolutly nothing, except maybe for the fact that new parents are so enamored with Apple products and popular comedians that they are choosing to name their babies after them.
Would you name your newborn Apple, Mac or Siri? Better yet, how many of us would actually name our daughter Hash-tag? Personally, I’d rather just name my next of kin Rick or Zach, because those are just two of the coolest names that will ever be. Happy Friday everyone, and if you’re driving home in Los Angeles rush hour this evening, please slow it down and learn how to drive in wet weather for gosh sakes.